This page lists links for learning about dementia from organizations and individuals in Saskatchewan, Canada, and around the world.
Friendly Calls+ Hospital to Home program to provide support to people following hospital stay – Yorkton, SK
The Canadian Red Cross, in conjunction with the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) and the University of Regina, is pleased to announce Friendly Calls+ Hospital to Home – a pilot project that aims to provide regular check-in calls for eligible people following a hospital stay at Yorkton Regional Health Centre.
Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan –
The Many Faces of Dementia: The Landmark Study Report #2
The second Landmark Report focuses on the many diverse perspectives on dementia in Canada and shares important dementia projections for several populations. The Alzheimer Society of Canada worked with many people living with dementia and care partners across the country, who have contributed their personal stories to the report.
Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan –
Navigating the Path Forward for Dementia in Canada: The Landmark Study Report #1
Canada needs bold action to head off an impending dementia care crisis. This new report from the Alzheimer Society of Canada says actions to reduce risk have potential to change the future of dementia in Canada — if governments act now.
Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan –
What is dementia?
Find out more about the characteristics of a dementia friendly community and sign up to become a Dementia Friend to help make Saskatchewan a more supportive, inclusive and accessible place for people affected by dementia.
Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan –
Getting a Diagnosis
Learn more about the changes dementia can cause and download the Getting a Diagnosis Toolkit (pdf) to prepare for a conversation with your healthcare professional.
I Live with Dementia
Shining a light on the facts about people living with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.
A network of people dedicated to improving quality of life and supports for persons with or at risk of having brain-health needs related to dementia, mental health and neurological conditions related to aging or have experienced brain health changes earlier in life that are now more complex with aging.
Canadian Dementia Learning and Resource Network
The Canadian Dementia Learning and Resource Network (CDLRN) is a knowledge hub that facilitates collaboration between community-based projects across Canada and amplifies their successes.
Dementia Connections
A Canadian magazine and social purpose company on a mission to amplify the voices of lived experience and share expert advice about living well with dementia.
Forward with Dementia
A guide to living with dementia.
Dementia Tip-Share
A Treasure Chest of Tips: to help you to keep living as well as you can. From people with dementia, for people with dementia .
Dementia Creatives
Celebrating the many ways in which people with dementia tell a story about who they are, where they have been, and where they are going.
Positive Approach to Care
Offers education, support, and training to improve the world of dementia care, one mind at at time, through a relationship first approach created by Teepa Snow.
World Health Organization – Decade of Healthy Ageing
This Platform is a collaborative online space where all knowledge on ageing can be accessed, shared, and produced in one place—by anyone, anywhere in the world.
Resource Guides
Meaningful Engagement of People with Dementia
Alzheimer Society of Canada
A Resource Guide created for staff and leadership volunteers of all organizations in which people with dementia are involved.
Dementia Friendly Toolkit – The Pharmacy Edition
Alzheimer Society of Canada
This toolkit contains information about dementia, as well as tips and strategies to help pharmacies understand ways that important elements in their social and physical environments can become more dementia friendly.
Flipping Stigma on its Ear Tool Kit
This tool kit has been designed by people with dementia to help others – including other people living with dementia, the people who support them, and those who do research – to address the challenges of stigma and discrimination.
Call to Mind
In this four-part podcast series, people living with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia record audio diaries and conversations about their lives during the pandemic.
Dementia Dialogue
A podcast that provides people with lived experience and a way to share their stories with each other and the broader community.
Let’s Not Be Kidding
If laughter really was the best medicine, Gavin Crawford would have cured his mother of Alzheimer’s disease.
Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan – Latest News
All the latest news and stories about Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and the brain.
Alzheimer Society Blog
Alzheimer Society of Canada
The Alzheimer Society is Canada’s leading nationwide health charity for people living with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.
Which Me Am I Today?
Wendy Mitchell
One person’s experience of living with dementia.
Alzheimer Society of Ontario
A training program that helps non-registered health care providers develop a common knowledge base, language, values and approach to caring for people with Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive impairment.
LIVING the Dementia Journey
Schlegel-UW Research Institute for Aging
LIVING the Dementia Journey (LDJ) is an award-winning, evidence-informed training program for those who support people living with dementia.
New Horizons for Seniors Projects across Canada
Dementia Lives Here
A project that cultivates a supportive, innovative environment where people impacted by dementia can live life well in Calgary.
Supporting Inclusion through Intergenerational Partnerships
A project that brings generations together to address loneliness and social isolation of community-dwelling older adults living with dementia and their care partners across Waterloo Region, Ontario.
RaDAR (Rural Dementia Action Research)
Improving the care of persons with dementia in rural and remote areas.
The Schlegel-UW Research Institute for Aging
A charitable foundation dedicated to enhancing care and quality of life for older adults.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) – Institute of Aging
CIHR established the Institute of Aging (IA) to support research, to promote healthy aging and to address causes, prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment, support systems, and palliation for a wide range of conditions associated with aging.