Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit (SPHERU)

Project Evaluation

Process Evaluation Report – October 2023

This process evaluation required an extraordinary amount of engagement from all members of Collaborating Organizations, Advisory Board, Community Table, and Backbone Management Group. We would like to acknowledge them for their time and sharing their rich insights and valuable inputs. This evaluation would not have been possible without their contributions. We would also like to thank Michelle Harazny, who tracked all quantitative data for this process evaluation. Special thanks must go to Susan McGee who contributed to formatting and designing the final report. We tried to do justice to data and stories shared by participants about their successes, lessons learned, and challenges faced. Any misrepresentations or inaccuracies are the responsibility of the evaluation team.

Read the full report: here

Evaluation Report – City of Yorkton Facility Audit

The project was supported by the Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit through the Dementia Supports in Rural Saskatchewan (DSRS) initiative. This is a 5-year Collective Impact initiative (2019-2024) funded in part by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program. This evaluation report would not have been possible without the coordination of Lisa Washington of the City of Yorkton’s Recreation and Community Services Department, the facility managers, and the audit team consisting of a facilitator and persons with lived experience. We would like to acknowledge the Backbone Management Group of the DSRS at the Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit, University of Regina. This evaluation would not have been possible without their valuable input. Special thanks go to Rochelle Berenyi and Susan McGee, who formatted and designed the final report.

Read full report: here

At the Collective Impact Meeting in May 2023, Collaborating Organizations provided updates on their project sustainability plans once the 5-year Dementia Supports in Rural Saskatchewan project, funded in part by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program, comes to an end on August 31, 2024. Read full report: here

Evaluation Update
October 2021 – October 2022

In May 2023, we published an evaluation report/update to present our progress since our last evaluation update. In this evaluation update, we reported on data collected between October 2021 and October 2022 when our Collaborating Organizations submitted their latest reporting documents. In this report, we presented our achievements and impacts at four levels: impacts at the individual level, organizational or system level, community level, and policy level.

The current Evaluation Update was completed in May 2023. Read the full report: here

Evaluation Update
September 2019 – October 2021

In March 2022, we published an evaluation report/update to present our progress since our project launch in September 2019. In this evaluation update, we reported on data collected between September 2019 and October 2021 when our Collaborating Organizations submitted their latest reporting documents. During this period, we had three Collaborating Organizations (Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan, SaskAbilites, City of Yorkton) actively providing services and programs in the region (Yorkton and surrounding rural communities). In this report, we presented our achievements and impacts at four levels: impacts at the individual level, organizational or system level, community level, and policy level.

The first Evaluation Update was completed in January 2022. Read the full report: here

Assets Map

Lastly, this evaluation report presented our project initial assets map. We have been working with our Collaborating Organizations to co-design an assets map that includes six categories of assets including: people/individual, economic/business, associations or social networks, physical, institutional, and cultural assets. Similar to network map, we will revise and re-design this assets map once a year following consultation with our Collaborating Organizations as they tap into new community assets.